did I get nudi?



Whew, thank God I don't gotta describe this thing! Been trying to get a pic of it for like three days. When I first got glimpse of this critter I thought it was a flatworm, but I have had those before and it didn't look like this.
This thing either hitched on the rock or a frag. Let me tell you, in a 2.5 gallon tank this thing is HUGE!!....... lol
So what is it, a nudibranch perhaps? I looked up flatworms, planaria and nudi's.... I leaning towards the nudi.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks


Looks like one to me :D Whatever it might be, it's pretty neat! So if you don't want it, I'll buy it from you and pay shipping (wonderful for species tank, not so peachy in a regular)


You have to figure out what kind it is quick so you can find out what it eats. Most Nudibranchs will _only_ eat one thing and often starve in our man-made reefs.


That is COOL !! Did you buy it or it just appeared? That is a huge one huh? I have one but he is a lot smaller.:D :D

pa reef pig

It does look alot like this one. According to Garf, it is a predatory Nudibranch that only eats the Yellow Sarcophyton Elegans. That would be my guess.


Active Member
We sell thoes slugs at work. we have about 20 in a 300 gal and they have been there for a while. I havent seen them damage any corals yet look and behave like algea or detritus eaters. Often i see them moving along the glass.


from what i understand about these guys (nudi's in general), if they come as hitchhickers they are feeding off of something on that particular rock. which isn't a bad thing. NOW if they tend to venture off that rock, that would mean their source of food is gone from that rock and they are looking for it in other places. that would make me speculate that he has a specific diet and if he can't find that food, he will eventually die.


Thanks for the pic PA, since I can see him/it from all directions and you guys could only see him stuck on the glass....I can compare it to the pic and that is EXACTLY what it is.
Now two questions.... according to GARF it it predatory and only eats elegance coral, which I do not have in the tank. Any chances it will decide to eat something else instead? I mean I hate bologna but if that is all there is, well I aint going hungry!...lol
Secondly, it curled up on the glass last nite, I assume to sleep and this afternoon when I came home there is like this white donut looking thing where it was.... a fuzzy donut! Good gawd almighty did it lay eggs????
Oh, and sorry... there is one more ? This thing is sooooo cool and beautiful looking, I would hate to see it starve to death, think I oughta see about taking it to an LFS? (well of course there is sistermary... hmmm wonder how it would ship to Texas?)