did i get ripped off

Hi all
I went to a lfs today and got myself a 2 inch hippo tang . now my question is did i get ripped off i paid $35 for him/her right now he/she is hiding in my QT .. i have just a few lbs of live rock in there for hiding places .


Active Member
i would take out the lr in the qt put something fake in there, if you have to treat for something like ick and do hypo it will kill the lr

sinner's girl

no, i don't think so. sinner paid about that or more for my yellow tang.


bought mine for forty..sounds like a good price to me.. ..hope you enjoy him.. if you don't have anytypes of cleaners i'd get one they help out a lot as this guy will get stressed pretty easily..
good luck


Active Member
Thats not too bad of a price.
I have seen them for $25 around here but there is a lot of competition.


$40 for a yellow is a little steep; maybe if it was full sized adult; ***** has them for around $20 usually; we wait a few weeks before buying specific fish from there though figuring if it can survive that long in their tank, should be pretty hardy


I think that price is about average. I just saw a 3-4 inch hippo for $65! but that's also a reputed LFS. I got mine 2 years ago from a *****, on sale for ~$25. He's been fine, except for a brief bout of ich when I moved him from one tank to another recently.
thanks everyone .. alot of lfs around here like to jack up the prices quite a bit .. i know they have to make a profit but sometimes a fish they may have to pay like 10 bucks for they try and charge 60 bucks .. so i wasnt sure if the price was good ... thanks all


I'm sorry to sound negative here but.....your profile indicates you have a 30 gal long. If that's the tank you plan to put the hippo in, please, please return him back to the lfs where you bought him. Tangs, particularly hippos shouldn't be put in anything smaller than a 75.
I had one in my 45....he was about 2" when I bought him and within 6 months he was 4-5". He developed a very bad case of ick which ultimately killed him and my other fish.
Hippos need lots and lots of room to swim....most people feel a 4 foot long tank is the minimum size for one of these. If they don't have enough room, they will become stressed and more than likely will become infected with ick.
If you chose to keep him now, maybe your lfs will agree to take him back and give you some credit a few months from now when he gets too big foryour tank.
Again, I'm sorry to throw this out to you, but don't want you to go through the heartbeak and expense I did....... :(

salty james

I paid $28 for mine, he was tiny though! I would agree with Jim.. move him when he gets bigger. I have not had any problems with mine (apart from a sucessful bout with ich) I plan on upgrading all of my tanks within the next 6 mos just as soon as I settle in a place that I want to stay for a while. It sure is a pain moving the tanks I have now. I cant imagine moving 100g + tanks though.. I would be tempted to pay for someone else to do it...

sinner's girl

my yellow was small, not full size, in fact it was the smallest we found.