Ah, I see, this is a cleaning sort of thing?? I misread it and thought you might have been cycling with it (which is why I asked about ammonia, which is what you can cycle with). Well, IMO, running the whole tank with bleach/water was overkill, IMO.
You do not need to "change" or replace any biowheel, IMO, unless you didn't use pure bleach but scented stuff or stuff with other things in it. If that is the case, then it is a different issue. Otherwise it is just a disinfected biowheel.
Bleach is used in this hobby but primarily to bleach decor and plants. It is then rinsed very well, and dechlorinator added to remove any potential excess chlorine that remains.
So everything in that system is now dead and disinfected, no worries there. But I would suggest rinsing everything off really well. Drain everything and rinse rinse rinse. As I am paranoid I would rinse rinse rinse some more (but that is me) and then add a good amount of dechlorinator but I imagine by now much of the bleach has "decomposed" if you will and there probably wasn't a lot to begin with. I am not sure how long that takes but bleach does "decompose" into something, water and sodium chloride (anyway, harmless) but I am not sure how long it takes.
I don't know if the intent was to keep the bleach etc running for a week...I think maybe just to clean everything. I don't understand it myself, but I don't think you are "screwed." I used to bleach decor, drain it off, rinse, add dechlorinator and put things right back into a tank. Don't see why this would be different.
The issue with using unknown and potentially freshwater equipment is generally the "big unknown" whether medications such as copper were used in the system. That could in theory become an issue, though in practice I am not as sure.