Did I make a mistake on these 4 fish


So I have a 120 g fowlr 5 feet tank. I have a Picasso Trigger which is 4 inches from it's lips to the tip of its tail. I bought a 15 in snowflake eel last week and when I put him in there my piccaso tried to bite him once and just got along with him. My trigger has ate my 2 blue devil damsels and an orange spotted goby. Today I just bought a 3.5in porcupine puffer and a 4.5 seems like 5 inch Dianas Hogfish. The trigger keeps on picking on both. He seems to pick on the tail of the puffer and the porc has his tail in a fishing hook shake. The trigger seems to bite the tail of the puffer but the puffers tail seems new. Now will I be okay with these fish or did I make a mistake.


Triggers are very aggressive and territorial fish. I think the mistake was adding the Trigger before the others. Try rearranging your rockwork.


How often do you feed your trigger? You may want to try and take the trigger out and rearange the rock than put the trigger back in.


Glad I Am Reading This Now... I Am Picking Up A DogFace Puffer friday and already have a huma...


the humu doesn't bother him any more. it was probably was because it was new. now they swim together and they eat together and everything. they are true friends now.