Did I mess up?


Active Member
I bought this slug because I couldn't really find anything negative on him. What do you think?


looks like a nudibranch to me. I have always wanted one because they are so pretty but I have heard that they can be a bit of a problem. Some eat zoos and they do have a very short life span....like 9 months or something (?)


Active Member
Well sheat...I don't like those odds...I will take it back in a few days, if not earlier ...
Hey fedukeford are you saying that it poison the tank when it dies?


Ive heard that they will poison the tank when they die. Also, i think they only eat a type of sponge and will starve. I had one also that my wife wanted but had to take him back when i researched him. He also loved to crawl into the powerhead and start to get stuck in. In 3 days i had to rescue him like 5 times :mad:


Active Member
yupp theyll poison it, wiping out everything if its a small enough tank, mabey even wipe out live rock


Ya they need a certain type of sponge, I saw five nudibranches in a tank at the LFs,but this LFs knew what they were risking, there 125 cube tanks that has been up for over five years. They also had the resources to get the sponge they needed for them.


Active Member
Well I played it safe and returned it to the LFS this morning for credit. Man, it sure was cool looking but I didn't want to risk it poisioning the tank.


It was indeed a Nudibranch. And they will poison the tank. Ours got suck up into the mechanical filter eventually the last time he crawled on he went on his way.


Active Member
Seems like the store wouldn't seel them if they are potentially that dangerous or at least warn me!!! I got it from another lFS store that I hardly ecver go to. They said it was like a cucumber. Silly me for not researching first.