Did my star have a baby


I just got this star like a week and a half ago and I think I see a little guy, I was told my star is a sand sifter, what should I know about the little guy, or how do I know it is a star fish, I looks like one (lol, just not like its parent, yet??)
Also I am going to be moving in like 30 days or less. Should I hold off longer for the little guy or no??
(ILL work on getting a photo (he is so small, like the size of a dime no bigger)


From the size you mention I have a feeling it is not a baby but a common hitchhiker. I can't think of the name of them atm though. They are not harmful if it's what I am thinking of.


yup yup, i think so, it weird he came out of no where tho lol. theres so much, I still dont know whats in my tank lol


Active Member
The small on is Asterina, and it is generally a harmless hitch hiker. The sand sifter, however, is not such a good choice. If you have a functional deep sand bed, I would return it immediately. If you do not, I would insure that it is spot fed meaty foods...most are doomed to die of starvation in our tanks.


yea that little star u have in your tank is no big deal big they mult. like crazy if u have more than 1 u might wanna watch out in about 3 or 4 months...i have about 25 or 30 of those in my 90 right now...but no biggie...harmless


I have tried to give him shrimp he(sand sifter) don't want it. its been almost 2 weeks and he is very active, i seems to like one spot a lot and moves around during the night, ( i am not saying he is happy but he looks it as of now) what would I give him other than shrimp??


Active Member
Anything meaty - without it, it will most definitely starve to death in around 9-12 months. If you start to see it lose pieces or its arms, or just generally start to disintegrate, this is a sign of starvation :( So keep trying to feed it and hopefully it will start at some point!