Didn't Stay with the PLAN


Bought the most beautiful Coral Beauty I have ever seen. I had 9 Green Chromis, Lawnmower Blenny, and a few Hermits. I went to the LFS to buy a clean up crew and something to sift the sand a bit. I had a plan for the fish that I would be putting in the tank and the order they would go in. Well that pretty much went out the window when I saw this fish. The same day I bought a Yellow head Sleeper, the Hermits, Astaria Snails, 1 Emerald Crab and 3 Skunk Cleaner shrimp. The hermits were pulling each other out of their shells.I got extra shells from the lfs and I hope this will end the slaughter. Other than the hermits committing genocide. Everything has been going well for a week now. One of the shrimp molted and I thought I had lost one.The tank has been up for 2 months and is a 180.
I was planning on the next fish in the tank being 5 Anthias. I will wait a bit before ordering these now. Here is the question, with my WISH list including a Powder Blue Tang, Yellow Sailfin Tang, a pair of Black and White Clowns, a pair of Percula Clowns, Cleaner Wrasse and a Mandarin Dragonette. Which would be the better harem, Hawaiian Bi-Color, Dispar ,or Bartlet? I like the looks of all three. I have Halides, 2 10,000 k GERMAN 1 Sylvania 250, and 2 blue actinic 03 lights. So many sites have so much differing info it gets frustrating. With what I want when the tank is finally complete would the Anthias that is semi agressive do better than a peaceful one? With the lights being bright would the Bi Color do better than the others? One sight specifically said add these to the tank before more aggressive fish and named the Coral Beauty as being a more aggressive fish. Thanks for the help :)


Active Member
Yeah, you should of waited to add the coral beauty. But, it can be ok. I am gonna say that you should add the blue tang last. Not including the mandarin. He will be the very last, because you should wait until your tank is really mature with pods so he will not starve. Also, beware that you shouldn't mix clowns, it can be done, but you should be warned that they could fight. Also, I think you might be overstocking with the fact that you have 9 chromis, c.beauty, blenny, and goby already. I would only add a pair of clowns, and maybe pick one of the tangs, and maybe 3 anthias instead of 5, and a wrasse. just my o2.


nice list may be a little to much for a 180. if you go with the powder blue i would put him in last as they can get aggressive once established in the tank


Half of the Chromis will be going in to my sons 55 gallon when I put the Anthias in. My lfs said if I put one set at one end and the other Clowns at the other they stay close to their area. The tank is 6 ft long. Love the look of the Black and White ones, will go with those if it's too much. Thanks for the input. Do you know anything about the different Anthias? WHich would get along better with the fish I want?


Active Member
Well, I wouldn't mix them. Although I have read that if someone wants to, to try ocellaris and make sure your tank is 200g or bigger, also to have two different anemones for them. So, I would not try it. Just go with the Black and Whites. As far as the anthias, it is really up to you. I personally have the dispar and love them. I have three. They are peaceful. Just go with the ones you like. :)


The light set up was used, purchased with the tank from Craigs list. It is a funny shape about 10 inches long the inside looks like the same as the German ones. Maybe the Sylvania isn't a MH. Is the light given by these too much for any of the three, that would really help me make the decision on which ones to order. It's hard in Alaska. Don't have any reef clubs. Getting my advice from the lfs Guy. He is the only one in town that sells salt fish other than *****. Noone is very informed at this *****. So I am relying on this forum and all the online fish sites to get information. But as I said even the sites can be contradictory. Thanks


Active Member
Well if they are 250 watt. I really like the 14k phoenix bulbs. You should probably replace them if they are old. Gonna add any coral?


I want some corals and things to really make it look like the ocean. Haven't decided on those yet. Want to put goodies in for the fish to be able to graze on too. The reason I got the tank was to have a Powder Blue and a Yellow Tang. Had these fish 9 years ago for years in a 55 gal. I didn't know any better. We moved they died and haven't had the heart to set up another tank till now. Everyone says gotta have ro/di water. Never had it with the other fish and they did fine. Treated it with conditioner. Will invest in a system before trying corals.


Active Member
Yes, I would get a ro/di unit before corals. Actually, it provides better water for your fish too. Although distilled water can be used too. tap water just has too much stuff in it. If you don't use purified water, stuff in it like minerals can really throw your parameters off like low ph. If you have live rock, the fish will graze on it. A tang will mow down any macro algae you keep in the tank. I recommend a refugium too to keep your nitrates at zero. That way you can keep sps, etc. Keep us posted, and ask any questions, we are here to help. And we love pics!!!


I have a black and white clown living fine together, infact for a period I thought they were mating. You can add 2 pairs, I did and they got along fine, now adding a pair of true's into the picture with tank raised may be a bit risky...I have no experience in ths area..


Active Member
Well, everything that I read states that you should not add two pairs unless your tank is very large. 200+. But if you decide to try, just remember that it is risky and you could lose some fish. I researched it because I have a black and white and reg. ocell. and wanted to put them together in my 180....but I will not now....


Look into Air Water Ice. They make some nice units, inexpensive for replacement cartridges and great customer service.
I had a Coralife unit for a long time that worked well also


Gonna go with one pair of clowns after the advice given. Will put all the Chromis in sons tank. They aren't as peaceful as I had hoped and the next fish in, after alot of thought, will be 4 bi color Anthias. LFS guy Tim just ordered them and said he would keep them there till my tank was ready for them. 1 male 3 females. I did buy an RO/DI system, haven't installed it yet. I want to hook it up so that it will auto fill the sump. Will take some pics and post if I can figure out my new phone.I got a Samsung Galaxy SII( It's smarter than I am I think : ):laughing: Thanks for the advice. Have a wonderful Christmas!