Bought the most beautiful Coral Beauty I have ever seen. I had 9 Green Chromis, Lawnmower Blenny, and a few Hermits. I went to the LFS to buy a clean up crew and something to sift the sand a bit. I had a plan for the fish that I would be putting in the tank and the order they would go in. Well that pretty much went out the window when I saw this fish. The same day I bought a Yellow head Sleeper, the Hermits, Astaria Snails, 1 Emerald Crab and 3 Skunk Cleaner shrimp. The hermits were pulling each other out of their shells.I got extra shells from the lfs and I hope this will end the slaughter. Other than the hermits committing genocide. Everything has been going well for a week now. One of the shrimp molted and I thought I had lost one.The tank has been up for 2 months and is a 180.
I was planning on the next fish in the tank being 5 Anthias. I will wait a bit before ordering these now. Here is the question, with my WISH list including a Powder Blue Tang, Yellow Sailfin Tang, a pair of Black and White Clowns, a pair of Percula Clowns, Cleaner Wrasse and a Mandarin Dragonette. Which would be the better harem, Hawaiian Bi-Color, Dispar ,or Bartlet? I like the looks of all three. I have Halides, 2 10,000 k GERMAN 1 Sylvania 250, and 2 blue actinic 03 lights. So many sites have so much differing info it gets frustrating. With what I want when the tank is finally complete would the Anthias that is semi agressive do better than a peaceful one? With the lights being bright would the Bi Color do better than the others? One sight specifically said add these to the tank before more aggressive fish and named the Coral Beauty as being a more aggressive fish. Thanks for the help
I was planning on the next fish in the tank being 5 Anthias. I will wait a bit before ordering these now. Here is the question, with my WISH list including a Powder Blue Tang, Yellow Sailfin Tang, a pair of Black and White Clowns, a pair of Percula Clowns, Cleaner Wrasse and a Mandarin Dragonette. Which would be the better harem, Hawaiian Bi-Color, Dispar ,or Bartlet? I like the looks of all three. I have Halides, 2 10,000 k GERMAN 1 Sylvania 250, and 2 blue actinic 03 lights. So many sites have so much differing info it gets frustrating. With what I want when the tank is finally complete would the Anthias that is semi agressive do better than a peaceful one? With the lights being bright would the Bi Color do better than the others? One sight specifically said add these to the tank before more aggressive fish and named the Coral Beauty as being a more aggressive fish. Thanks for the help