


I THINK it's like 2500 for the normal person, or to maintain your weight. But it drops to 2000 to diet. I believe thats what it is.

salty cheese

Active Member
It depends on what you plan on doing after you eat. If you're just going to sit around after you eat then it should be a light meal, if you plan on some physical activity then more. It also depends on your metabolism.
You should really consult your doctor on what would be best for you.


See, I don't get that whole "frame" thing. Or like when someone says that they are "big boned". I thought people who have large frames, have them because they have large ampunts of fat or muscle. Personally, I WAS 115 5'2" now I am nowhere near that weight (
) But one might assume that it is my frame when I know it's all of my stored "hershey's" if you will.
I never seen a large boned skeleton or even a replica of one so I have to wonder...:notsure:


Good point Tizzo.. I'm not upset to much I just want to change my eating habits so that my daughter learns good eating habits..


drop ur diet, in calculate wat u eat in a day,...calorie wise,...then drop it by 500 a day u will lose a lb a week,...another advice start little! all this info was giving to me this year in health class ,...thx to mr. sal!


I've been dieting for about 2 weeks I only eat lunch and supper. No soda only drink water. I feel better. I just hope I keep going:joy:


Active Member
You really should eat breakfast, a small snack, lunch, a small snack, dinner, quit eating 2hrs before you go to bed. If you keep eating small meals all day long (good healthy stuff) then you keep your metabolism going and burn more fat. If you only eat a small amount twice a day, or worse a larger dinner you will end up gaining weight. Eat healthy stuff, like fruits and veggies (snack on carrots and apples). Try to keep your meals simple, cut out enriched white grains stick to whole grains especially if you eat a lot of breads and pastas, white breads and pastas and baking potatoes are no good for you.
Tizzo- There really is a difference in frames, like if you have broad shoulders and things like that, I am the same height as my sister but she has a tiny frame, we are just built diffentely if I weighed the same as she did then I would be skin and bones.
Good luck!



Originally posted by Birdy
Tizzo- There really is a difference in frames, like if you have broad shoulders and things like that, I am the same height as my sister but she has a tiny frame, we are just built diffentely if I weighed the same as she did then I would be skin and bones.
Good luck!

See, I don't know 'bout all that cause my shoulders are broad now. (Shhh, don't tell anyone). As small as I have ever been was 105 and my knees were nasty looking. But now, EVERYTHING spread out. My shoulders, my hip bones even my wrist bones!! And I am confident that if I ever quit procrastinating about this exercize thing that my ENTIRE frame would go back down to normal. My pelvic bones are still close to the outer edges of my body, but it's because they spread, not because I am big boned or large framed.
My rib cage is still just under the skin around my mid torso, but there is a lot more in between them now. LOL
That's just me though, that's why it is hard for me to swallow. (no pun intended), Seems like I just woke up one day and looked like Rosanne Barr. I STILL surprise myself when I catch unexpected glimpses in the mirror!!!


dude, i really dont know much of anything about dieting, im 6'3 myself but have never been over 185, i eat whatever and never gain more than 5 lbs, but then when $$$ is tight i have been down to 165. my girlfreind on the other havd is into some crazy diets, even though she DOES NOT need it, she used to compete in fitness competitions, vegetarian, so basically so am i for the most part, but in the last year she has been on raw food only and some crazy diet where she only drank fresh squeezed orange juice, but that only lasted a few days. sometimes she makes me wonder.


Now the question of the day is...
Is your metabolism high, resulting in weight loss, resulting in activity?
Is your activity high, resulting in high metabolism, resulting in weight loss?


I would say my metabolism is high. last week I lost 5 lbs just from eating better.
Hey Tizzo you seem to be hard on yourself I bet your very pretty. Most women are very hard on themselfs and they need not be.


Oh no, don't mis-understand. I am not one of those chicks who say "I'm fat" then go out in a bathing suit. With my second kid I blew up big time. It wasn't just the pregnancy though, it was really bad eating habits, mixed with "well, I'm pregnant so I can't diet...I'll worry 'bout my weight later." I am not unrealistic, or ignorant about my appearance. I know though that I can't get away with the tube tops and daisy dukes anymore. I still keep them in the closet though, just in case. And I refuse to buy new clothes (don't wanna give up hope, LOL)
I know how I look based on my scale and the size jeans I currently wear. I don't mope around about it, or screem for attention about it, I just accept it to be fact...for now.
But that quitting smokng thread is kinda motivating me. I told the guy you have to THINK like a non-smoker, maybe in order to change my eating habits, I should THINK like a triathelon runner! Not really think of food when I am bored etc. I'll tell you what though, bad eating habits is prolly the toughest addiction to break!! I smoked for 15 years, And it seemed easy to quit that compared to this. I really believe it to be a habit... Not an excuse mind you, but a habit none the less.
But I joke a lot about my appearance, I kinda view it as a temporary outfit that I am forced to wear for a while as a result of my actions...Kinda like a dunce cap LOL. I am not sad about it, and one day it will come off...
AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET ME FREE!!!! (oops, wrong thread)


I give women allot of credit for haveing kids the stress it puts on there body is unreal. Then they have all these women in magazines that adds more presure on them to be skinny. Give me a fun women who I can go out and have fun with any day of the week. I enjoy eating allot only thing is it's catching up with me now I have to watch what I eat cut the size down and my biggest thing is McDonalds extra values meals.. I have to STAY away