diff between metal halide vs t5's????


I want to upgrade my lights..i have power compact lights. i got zoos and mushrooms etc. in my tank,they r doing well but i want to get hard corals and maybe stuff like clams..what would be the best lights to get? but really what is the difference between the t5's and metal halides??

id appreciate some feedback..thank you.


Active Member
There is no "best" type of lighting system, each has their strengths and flaws.
T5 are a type of fluorescent (5/8" diamter). High-output T5 are the bulbs that you want to be using for a reef, and you want to get a fixture with individual reflectors as it will boost light output by as much as 300% compared to the bulb alone. T5 run cool compared to halide, are more efficient, and need to be replaced once every 18-24 months (sooner if keeping SPS).
Halides are a different type of technology. There are two types; single and double ended. Each bulb needs its own ballast to opperate. They produce a lot of heat and need to be replaced every 8-10 months.
That's all I got from the top of my head. Hopefully someone else can give you some more info.


T-5 is also cheaper to buy and cheaper to maintain like wangotango said they last around 18-24 months.
You can almost keep anything with either lighting systems, but t-5 maybe not everything, but a lot.