Difference between clowns...calling all clown experts!


I currently have a maroon clown that I've had for about a year. He recently has gotten VERY aggressive, so I think I am going to evict him. I'm thinking about going to the LFS today to ask about trading him for another clown. I was thinking about a true percula. My questions are...
1. What is the difference between a "false" percula and a "true" percula. Is it just coloration, or is there a difference in temperment?
2. Perculas are less aggressive than maroons, correct? I don't want to take an established clown out if I am just going to create the same problem with a new clown. This site labels maroons as bold and perculas as peaceful.
If it helps, my stock list is...
blue tang (small)
royal dottyback
yellow wrasse
3 blue chromis
My tank is 90 gallons.
Thanks for the help!

bang guy

Ocellaris and Percula are much less aggressive than Maroons. They will fight to protect their territory just like all Damselfish. They just claim a lot less area, especially Percula.
There isn't much difference in coloration. The eyes of Percula are typically brighter than Ocellaris, Ocellaris have more dorsal rays, and grow to be slightly larger.
1) true and false perculas are different species. their proper names are ocelaris- false (sp?) and percula- true. true percs usually have thicker balck stripes along them.
2) youre right, true percs are almost always less aggresive than maroons. false percs are also very docile. false percs are also good beginer fish, because they are very hardy (for swf). really the decision is up to you. i prefer how false percs look personally.