difference between live rock



i have a few questions about live rock. is there any certian kind that is better than the other (i.e. fiji, florida, tonga) i have also found a website that offers bahama limestone. they claim that its way better thatn any of the above. but they want an arm and a leg for it. let me know your options


Most of it is opinion. Ive tried Fiji, tonga and Florida rock. Fiji is my favorite, nice purple colors, porus enough for filtration, etc.
I also bought 100lbs of Florida rock. It was covered in mussels and other crap. I hate this stuff.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bullshark
Most of it is opinion. Ive tried Fiji, tonga and Florida rock. Fiji is my favorite, nice purple colors, porus enough for filtration, etc.
I also bought 100lbs of Florida rock. It was covered in mussels and other crap. I hate this stuff.

Yup I was going to say the same thing. My favorite is FIJI and my least favorite is Flordia LR. Lots of unwanted hitchhikers...