Difference between percs and false percs?


Active Member
True perculas have one more dorsal spine, grow larger, and are not as hardy as Oscellaris. Other than coloration differences...IME oscellaris are generally brighter.


New Member
Im trying to find out the difference so I can choose them myself instead of trusting someone at the LFS


Active Member
Thr best way for me to tell is if you compare the two, Oscellaris have a more almond or rounded shape to the face...Perculas are more square..almost as if they have a browline.


Originally Posted by Jintz
Im trying to find out the difference so I can choose them myself instead of trusting someone at the LFS

Indeed, while at one of the LFS a few months ago, I asked, "Is this an Oscillarious clown?" and the reply I got was, "Nope, it's a False Percula ... we don't carry Oscillarious clowns, only False Percs." Of course, this is the same young fellow who when trying to sell me an anemone said to my comment about only having compact flourescents, "Oooooh, those are perfect, just the exact lights you need for an anemone!"
I tend to go by the amount of black . . . as mentioned TPs have much broader black stripes, the Oscis have something akin to just a black outline of their white stripes.

bang guy

You can usually tell by the eyes. Ocellaris normally have muddy or tea colored eyes and Percula have orange eyes.
The amount of black on the fish doesn't tell anything IMO but the shape of the first white stripe can indicate the species. Percula have a more prominent hump in the first stripe. Ocellaris will usually have a more rounded hump in the first stripe or a nearly straight first stripe.