Difference between skimmer?


Active Member
So I plan on getting a new Protein Skimmer soon for my 55 gal tank, and I am pretty sure that I want to get an Octopus Skimmer because I have heard so many great things about them. So i've been looking around and I found two Octopus Protein Skimmers at two different sites that have almost the same name at the site but they look different in the picture. The first one is the Oct-DNW-110 Octopus Recirculation Protein skimmer from bulk reef supply and the other is the Reef Octopus DNW 110 Recirculation skimmer. Is one better than the other? Because theirs like a $30 difference so if I could end up saving some cash that would be cool. thanks in advance.


Active Member
there's only one octopus DNW-110, its the same product. there's the standard NW-110 and the recirc version that your looking at. shopping around saved you $30.