royce is right, i did say the major is the body, but the shelll is soemwhat different, too, i jsut have a difficult time distinguishing(myself) the 2 patterns, under all the coraline(they can and will grow coraline on their shells), and as far as size, there are 2 major turbos found in aquariums, mexicans get upto 1 inch, and carribean(i think that is what they are refferred toas, my lfs just calls them all turbos) which can get 2 or 3 inches (OR VICE VERSA, I CAN NEVER REMEMBER WHICH TURBO IS WHICH) , he never actuallly contradicted me, i was just alil unclear by typing "not the shell" it was somewhat misleading in hte reading, i did not mean that there is no difference, but that the body is a different color look at that not the shell for color difference
but from the looks of the picture, given the body(i just find that the easiest way to remember), i would have to say the PICTURE,is of a turbo(that is justhe picture that they offer, i do not know about the actual snail)