Difference between Trochus and Turbo's?


Active Member
one othere thing, i do not know how true it is or may be, but i read somewhre the other day the turbos seem to hang on better at a sg of 1.026 and the lower it goes, the worse tiem they have, but i do have an observation that i have lost far fewer(actually zero), since we boosted uors from 1.021 about 3 months ago, htis was not my resoning for raising it, but our inverts were, but like i said i have lost none ince then, i do realize,that i t may be just coincidence ane infact believe it to be coincidence, but the fact is stilll zero(so i am wonereing more with each day)


Broomer5 - that was not a serious comment i was making about the snails keeping the tank clean! :D
Fshhub, Ya know we got a package from here and it was all turbos(plus some crabs and shrimp). I have lost probably over half since we got it. I get home from work to see the crabs eating ones that fell and couldn't get back up. Our salinity has been about 1.022. Maybe that is the reason they have been falling <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> fshhub, could you look at my post in this forum about ligting? we've talked about it before by e-mail.
Oh and my snails can't right themselves on the cc?

kris walker

Active Member
I've only had my 4 turbos for 2 weeks now, but so far all of them have been fine at 1.022 +/- 0.001. But I have the inclination to raise the salinity anyway the next chance I get for other reasons, so I'm afraid my slow-salinity-turbo testing period is about to come to an end. I also don't have a lot of open space for turbos to flip over on their back on (29 gal with 45 lbs LR).