Difference in fish


What is the difference between a maroon clown and a ocellarus clown? I know about color and size. So what else is there?


Active Member
They are both have a very distinct look... If you want a visual reference take a look at SWF.com "fish" tab on the left. They should have decent descriptions on the respective pages as well.


Active Member
They are different fish at the genus level. The difference between a yellow tang and a Naso tang. The difference between a Labrador Retriever and a Boxer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
They are different fish at the genus level. The difference between a yellow tang and a Naso tang. The difference between a Labrador Retriever and a Boxer.
Labs and boxers are the same genus & species; just different breeds. (Canis familiaris or canis domesticus, if I remember) Animals of different genus seldom, if ever inter-breed and produce non-sterile offspring)


Originally Posted by HOBrien
What is the difference between a maroon clown and a ocellarus clown? I know about color and size. So what else is there?
What exactly are you looking for? Differences as far as which to keep and why? Or differences on a scientific level such as where Aquaknight was going??


I am looking for overall differences to way options on which to have......Take a look at my restocking thread and also my thread on lionfish. I am wanting which one will be more compatable and such and also what are the behavioral differences.


Oh that's good. Now I will not hafta bust out the taxonomy books, lol.
I have only had ocellaris between the two. The male stays pretty small, and they have been the least aggressive of any clowns I have watched.
I would think that a maroon would be aggressive enough to hold their own w/ a lion. But just know that a maroon female can get very large and around 6 years old will loose her stripes.


Active Member
Tizzo;2617744 said:
Oh that's good. Now I will not hafta bust out the taxonomy books, lol.
I would think that a marron would be aggressive enough to hold their own w/ a lion. But just know that a marroon female can get very large and around 6 years old will loose her stripes.
Yeah, maroons are very territorial and aggressive fish. IMO, just about any fish that can't get swallowed, can hold its own with a lion. I don't consider a lion to be aggressive, just a large predator. They seldom will bother fish they can't swallow whole., and they can swallow a surprisingly large fish.


Ok what is the smallest lionfish available that will be fine with the ocellarus clown as that is what my wife said I had to get and not the maroon.


Originally Posted by HOBrien
Ok what is the smallest lionfish available that will be fine with the ocellarus clown as that is what my wife said I had to get and not the maroon.
I have a fuzzy dwarf, which is the smallest. They grow to five inches. I also have a pair of maroons that are still in QT. They will be there for quite some time. The female is big enough, but the males take a LONG time to grow. Maroons are your best bet. Buy them before you get the lion. Lions can swallow a fish half their body size. I had wanted maroons for quite some time, but was unable to find a pair. The lion went from 1 1/2 inches to almost 4 in six months time. They grow quickly. I fed him every other day up until about two months ago. He was always out and begging. He eats every day now. Here is a pic from when I put him in the display and now. The last pic is from a few months ago. He has grown so much.



Originally Posted by HOBrien
Ok I was thinking that or the Fu Man Chu.....But wasnt sure since the ocellarus only gets to 3".
Wow, I forgot about the Fu. They are the smallest. They are not easy to get feeding. If you can find one at an LFS that is eating frozen at every meal, then be sure to witness it several times. If so, then buy him. That is hard to find though. If you let your occelaris grow out before introducing a fuzzy, then they will be fine. They don't normally grow to three inches though in captivity. It is more like two or two and a half. They would be fine if they were grown before you get the lion. Fuzzy's or Fu's are small when you first get them.


Active Member
i like perculas better =D they get along with almost anything. except for my female perc. i have a camel back shrimp that it loves to attack and chew on its whiskers. my female is very aggressive. but most smaller males are the nicest fish anyone can keep


Active Member
I would never keep occelaris OR perculas in a tank with a fuzzy. Yeah you could probably get away with it for awhile but when one of them disappears just remember I said "I told you so" and skip feeding your fuzzy for a few days. My fuzzy ate a 7 fish school of chromis over a period of a few months and they're about the size of the clowns. She never showed any agression towards them and was always well fed but ocassionally just wanted a midnight snack. They can and will attempt to put back anything they think will fit in their mouths.


Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I would never keep occelaris OR perculas in a tank with a fuzzy. Yeah you could probably get away with it for awhile but when one of them disappears just remember I said "I told you so" and skip feeding your fuzzy for a few days. My fuzzy ate a 7 fish school of chromis over a period of a few months and they're about the size of the clowns. She never showed any agression towards them and was always well fed but ocassionally just wanted a midnight snack. They can and will attempt to put back anything they think will fit in their mouths.
Well, there you go. In that case percs would not be a good idea. I still have my Maroons in QT because I know that my lion could eat the male. The full growth of both Percs and fuzzy's tell me that if the Percs were grown before you get the lion then he would be fine with them. I don't want to be wrong and cost the lives of the clowns though. This is 110 gallon tank. Lions work with psudochromis. Sorry, I am thinking while I type. I think that the clowns would be fine with the lion, as long as they are grown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Well, there you go. In that case percs would not be a good idea. I still have my Maroons in QT because I know that my lion could eat the male. The full growth of both Percs and fuzzy's tell me that if the Percs were grown before you get the lion then he would be fine with them. I don't want to be wrong and cost the lives of the clowns though. This is 110 gallon tank. Lions work with psudochromis. Sorry, I am thinking while I type. I think that the clowns would be fine with the lion, as long as they are grown.
Your probably right as long as they are full grown. I didnt really think about that, but then again I've never seen full grown clowns for sale - only in displays, so I assumed they would be small. I think I'd still go with Maroons to be on the safe side or maybe some saddle backs.