Different LR?

Hey all.
I have a 3ft tank with a Snowflake Moray in and a Dwarf Fuzzy Lion..
I currently have 10lb of Fiji Live rock, and am planning to add ~ 6lb of LR soon..but, im wondering, does the live rock have to be fiji rock? my lfs has the tonga branch, and it is quite thick but very porous...Could i add 6lb of this Tonga branch? Do you think it would look tacky, or would it look good do you think?
Has anyone ever combined the two?
Thanks for any replies..

mr . salty

Active Member
I have many diferent types of rock in my tank,and I think it looks great...By all means add a variety of rock,the diferent shapes and textures look good.Try finding some good tonga shelf rock.This stuff is too cool looking...It's probably my favorite of all the types of rock...


I agree...you can have as many types of lr as you want. Pretty soon the algae and inverts spread and the rock all looks the same anyways.