Different Snails Compatability


Hello all,
I have a question about the snails in my tank. I currently have both Astrea and Trochus snails. I'm wanting to add some nassarius snails. My question is, are all of the snails compatable?? Will any of them fight with one another??


I have never seen snails fight eachother, but maybe some do. Adding nausarius snails to your tank would be a great addition. If you have any die off whatsoever they will be the first to get it. See if your LFS has hawaiian nausarius they are very good looking, I have two hawaiian and then about 30 regular ones.


I have a 75 gal. its been up and running for over 2 years. Should I expect any die off with the nassarius snails??


Active Member
No, if you acclimate them slowing especially to sg and they are healthy to begin with you shouldn't have any problems. I have astrea, stomatella, margarita, turbos, cerith and nassarius. Some cerith would probably be good for your system too. HTH and welcome from a fellow Okie.


I'm aware of the sand stirring capabilities of the nassarius, what other benefits do the cerith provide??


Active Member

Originally posted by LAKEMAN70
I'm aware of the sand stirring capabilities of the nassarius, what other benefits do the cerith provide??

Ceriths will work the sand bed too but also the rockwork and glass. Their shape and size help them get to places the bigger snails can't get too. They also reproduce in the tank and if your lucky some make it and help grow cerith population. HTH


i've noticed that the few astrea's i have mainly stick to the rock, eventually i'd like to have about 20 or so astrea's, do you think that these would clean the glass sufficiently? also plan on about 20 each of nass. and cerith snails with 60-70lbs LR

bang guy

Cerith snails also eat detritus and can reproduce in a captive environment under the right conditions.



Originally posted by angelofdeath132
i've noticed that the few astrea's i have mainly stick to the rock, eventually i'd like to have about 20 or so astrea's, do you think that these would clean the glass sufficiently? also plan on about 20 each of nass. and cerith snails with 60-70lbs LR

The astrea's in my tank seem to split their time between the rocks and the glass.


Active Member
I think the amount of any snails (or cleanup crew) you keep should be dictated by the specific needs of the aquarium. I've never been able to determine exactly how many I need. I started off a long time ago with too many and a bunch died. On the new 135 I just add 2 or 3 astreas at a time, 3 or so nassarius and let it go for a week or so, then the algae amount tells me whether I need more or not. I've got about 10 big turbos. My ceriths are reproducing sufficiently that I haven't added any of them in a while. I've got about 10 grown and I've "seen" about 5 little ones. I'm going to buy about 5 more nassarius this weekend as my sandbed is showing signs that all the detritus isn't getting taken of as quickly as I would like. Remember the bristle worms too for the sandbed and rocks. They are good too.