different type of tank


hey i'm looking to set up a reptile tank and i was wondering if anyone can help me figure out how much i'd have to spend on a set up. i already have a 20 gal. long tank that i'd prob use so any help / advice would be very helpful


I have 2 tree frogs in a 20L tanks - there needs are pretty basic
my set up has
Repile bark floor covering
Water rock
misting volcano (my son loves it and it provides the appropriate level of humdity for them)
Vines to climb on
a humidity gauge
A night light (the red glow ones)
a few fake plants trees to make it look better
total set up including the aquarium might have been about $100.00
Plus I also have a cricket cage that always has at least 24-48 crickets in it - with cricket food and cricket quencher
the set up for a crested gecko would be very similar except they dont the misting


Staff member
A lot of snakes will out grow a 20 gal very fast, so keep that in mind.


Originally Posted by Beth
A lot of snakes will out grow a 20 gal very fast, so keep that in mind.
yea i know and right now i have a 55 gal for my fish tank but i plan on upgrading at some point so i'd prob use the 55 for the snake.


Originally Posted by NW2SLTFSH
I have 2 tree frogs in a 20L tanks - there needs are pretty basic
my set up has
Repile bark floor covering
Water rock
misting volcano (my son loves it and it provides the appropriate level of humdity for them)
Vines to climb on
a humidity gauge
A night light (the red glow ones)
a few fake plants trees to make it look better
total set up including the aquarium might have been about $100.00
Plus I also have a cricket cage that always has at least 24-48 crickets in it - with cricket food and cricket quencher
the set up for a crested gecko would be very similar except they dont the misting
tree frogs sound good to me i've always liked them and i'm not sure how my mom would handle a snake or a gecko haha
would it be possible to grow my own plants in there for them to climb on?
thanks for everything so far btw!


i would do a iguana i had one and it was so cool and holding it was tons of fun also plus iguanas are cheap to care for grow slowly and are very common and cheap so cool to have one thats a lizard that is awesome to have


Originally Posted by criminal
tree frogs sound good to me i've always liked them and i'm not sure how my mom would handle a snake or a gecko haha
would it be possible to grow my own plants in there for them to climb on?
thanks for everything so far btw!
Yes - just make sure they are sturdy - tree frogs are similar to dogs and will eat and eat and eat and get really fat - make sure you suplement their diet with vitamins - and dont dump all the crickets or whatever you are feeding them in all at once - or they will gorge themselves
A ficus plant would be great in a tank with tree frogs - as would driftwood - as long as they climb -
and crested geckos by the way are actually easier then tree frogs to keep - plus they eat baby food and are very friendly


Originally Posted by surfinusa
i would do a iguana i had one and it was so cool and holding it was tons of fun also plus iguanas are cheap to care for grow slowly and are very common and cheap so cool to have one thats a lizard that is awesome to have

i would love an iguana but i'm not sure my mom would be to happy with me getting one lol


once when i had my iguana he jumped out of my hands and took off and when he got to the tile floor he was sliping and sliding every where i laughed so hard my sides hurt but then i lost him for a couple of hours because he went under some funiture after he was done sliding every where so it took us for ever to get him out