Digging for Diamonds :)


Getting ready to toss the rest of our stuff in the camper and headto Murfreesboro Arkansas to the diamond farm......
we will be staying today thru Sunday, and probably spend a good part of Saturday in the field looking for diamonds...LOL....
I am really hoping that my fish do as well this weekend asthe last one....I plan on doing a lot more weekend trips


Active Member
My mom did that when she was a kid, they didn't live too far4 from there. Most people only find little chips but every once in a while...


WELL.....on our way here we got a flat on the camper.....thank goodness we had a spare...and were still by a big town....changed the tire....went to tire shop
as soon as we pulled in...the guy says.....hmmmm those tires are 5 years old, aren't they? WELL YEAH....soooo even tho we only used the camper once in 5 years.....we needed 4 new tires cause the ones were no good anymore....SIGHHHHH $500
THEN....apparently when the tire shredded...it messed up a gas line....and pulled out some wires.....Danny is under camper now fixing gas line $40
and we have no clue where the wires are from...since everything else seems to be working
People wonder why I never go away :(


LOL...NO......it was way too hot.....and I decided I don't like dirt

BUT we needed the get-away.....so for that it was worth it