digital camcorder

clown boy

Active Member
There are two types of FireWire ports. The one I mentioned is the smaller kind. Try it, and let us know what happens.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
There are two types of FireWire ports. The one I mentioned is the smaller kind. Try it, and let us know what happens.

yes that is another type of fire wire port typical to laptops... You are looking for a 4 pin to 4 pin fire wire cable. It looks like this... this one is $24.00 from Comp USA, I personally spent a little extra and got the Belkin Pure AV series gold tip because IMO it has a better connection. It was $ 39.00 but both will work, I just couldnt get the belkin pic to show both ends.
And the reason why you cannot get clear pics of your tank is because of the glass you are taking the pics through. It magnifies throwning the lens out of focus especially at angles, you cannot be at any angles when you take your pics. You have to be straight in front of the object you are looking at. Any angle at all refracts the light and focal point to where the camera cannot focus. Also shut off all your power heads and filters as water movement will refract light also making the picture hard to focus on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
yes that is another type of fire wire port typical to laptops... You are looking for a 4 pin to 4 pin fire wire cable. It looks like this... this one is $24.00 from Comp USA, I personally spent a little extra and got the Belkin Pure AV series gold tip because IMO it has a better connection. It was $ 39.00 but both will work, I just couldnt get the belkin pic to show both ends.
And the reason why you cannot get clear pics of your tank is because of the glass you are taking the pics through. It magnifies throwning the lens out of focus especially at angles, you cannot be at any angles when you take your pics. You have to be straight in front of the object you are looking at. Any angle at all refracts the light and focal point to where the camera cannot focus. Also shut off all your power heads and filters as water movement will refract light also making the picture hard to focus on.

thanks :)
happen to know what the speed that's going to do, will it record decent quality dvd's?

clown boy

Active Member
Well, it works like this: You capture the video to your computer. Then you can edit it if you want to. Then you make a DVD for it with a DVD authoring software (this function is built in to some editing software.
I believe you can do all of this with Windows Movie Maker.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
thanks :)
happen to know what the speed that's going to do, will it record decent quality dvd's?

Yes very good quality DVD's. Actually IMO you should get a software burning package, like Sonic My DVD. This program will allow you to load your video into your computer then edit it and do what ever you want to it. Once thats done you plop a DVD In the player and set it to burn. Typically over night, dvd's can take up to 4 to 6 hours to burn because of the high quality in which they are recorded in.