Digital PH Meter - ever used one? Reliable?


Active Member
I've seen these digital pH meters for sale. I am always worried about my API test kit - whether or not I'm reading the pH right. And so I saw these meters for pretty cheap. anybody know if they are accurate?
I was reading a thread on here about them and there was nothing but negative comments on them you may want to do some research on those before buying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefpro
Reefkeeper 2 by Digital Aquatics... PERFECT
FOR $259.99 (on sale - reg $270) at

!!! IT BETTER BE PERFECT!!! AND the pH probe is an extra $48??!! That's crazy. :notsure:


We have a Myron L one - it tests Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, pH, ORP, & Temperature. I think it makes coffee too :)
These meters are really expensive - about 900.00. My husband uses them for work - so we just raid his truck when we want to test things.


Active Member
Ok, don't know what half of those measurements are. Although my tank doesn't seem to be very RESISTANT to ick, so the resistivity is probably pretty low. But it does conduct ick well, so conductivity is probably high. uhh


I don't know either....LOL. Hubby just told me it has to do with the metals in the water. He gives me answers I can understand....gotta love him. He installs and fixes Dialysis machines - metal and blood don't I'm told.


Active Member
The Pinpoint meter is also a good choice.
I use the pH meter and controller on my Neptune Aquacontroller Jr. Not the cheapest thing out there, but you get what you pay for. I got the ACJr because of it's other features though, not just for the pH meter.


Originally Posted by Hefner413
FOR $259.99 (on sale - reg $270) at

!!! IT BETTER BE PERFECT!!! AND the pH probe is an extra $48??!! That's crazy. :notsure:
You get exactly what you pay for.
The ReefKeeper 2 is actually much more than a PH monitor and it's also a great safe guard for your aquarium.

mr. green

If you want accurate pH, you are going to have to shell out like $300+ for a good pH meter and probe, we are talking lab grade here. The RK2 by the reviews I have read seems to keep things in check and provides an accurate reading. Its not so much the display/control device as it is the probe. A cheap probe will get you in trouble and start throwing reading all over the place. Probe maintenance is very important and you should be cleaning it weekly and recalibrating often (weekly or more). You can buy pH buffer pretty cheap from lab suppliers. I have seen Online Salt and Reef stores really jack the price of this stuff up 3x of what it costs. Also, you can't beat the RK2 other features including temp. You will read story after story of failed heaters. With a controller, if he heater fails, the controller will cut the power to it.