Digital Tips


Does anyone have any tips on taking pictures of fast moving fish with a digital camera? I haven't been successful at it.


No I do not have a shutter speed on my camera. I do have a record mode though, I can change that to high speed recording maybe that will fix it.
No. Lesser cameras are unable to capture fast movement due to limitations in shutter speed. With record mode, the still pictures will come out terrible.


Active Member
Agreed.....if you can't quicken the shutter speed manually....the cheaper digis will keep the shutter open too long to catch any quick movement without blurring. I set my shutter speed at max, 1/2000th of a second, and turn the flash all the way up to take fish pics, since having the shutter so fast lets in little light.....flash must be set at max usually. The only other thing I can think of is to "follow" the fish with the camera and try to keep about the same speed as him, then snap one on the move.....the background will be blurred, but hopefully since you were moving with the fish.....the fish will be in focus. A few years ago....this was almost standard practice for a lot of folks since digis weren't as good.


How about some recommendations as to what cameras to get. I know there is so much variation and personal preferences, but what do you shoot? Has anyone had some great success with other cameras? (Preferably those under $1000 Ryebread). Those of us looking into upgrading or buying our first digi would really appreciate any kind of info.


Active Member
I use a Fujifilm Finepix 3800. I think it takes marvelous pictures, and the price is reasonable. You can get one for under $400, and last Christmas my dad was lucky enough to find one for half that price. :D
I've never had any problems out of it, except when I was dumb enough to not turn the flash on/off at certain times. :p


Dacia.. I have the FinePix3800 too. What settings do you use to get good pictures? I can't seem to get it to take any good pics of my tank at all. Do you use the Auto or Manual on the dial? Flash and the other settings? I really gotta find my manual.. grr