Digital water test kits?????


I just purchased a 30gal tank and accessories, filled it with the water and am about to begin the cycling process. I have a slight problem though. The test kit that I purchased was hard enough for my friend to read, and seeing as I am very colorblind, it was nearly impossible for me to be able to tell what my readings were. Is there anything reliable out there that can take the place of holding a tube up to a chart and comparing colors???


how bad is your color blindness? ie do you have trouble with just a few colors or is it all colors? electronic PH meters are available. Do you live with anyone or have someone that is willing to help you with the tests on a regular basis? What kind of test kit do you currently have?


I live in Clawson, i didn't realise that i was this bad at colors until i just got this tank. I started doing the tests and according to the other 4 people who were over at the time, i was way off each time. I am able to find somebody who can come and help me do these tests, but it would be a lot easier if i could just use something digital so that i wouldn't have to go through the trouble. I am currently using Red Sea Marine Lab.


IMO mabee try the dip strip, Being that your looking at pigment in the paper instead of liquid. Perhaps even after they dry (if it doesn"t affect the test). Try to find test that have a constant change of one color vs some that change to multilple colors. i.e. like your nitrate test that you have runs from green to slight grey and then purple color. If it is a constant color you should be ables to tell shades of it better being that you can destingwish shades of the color vs a color change. As for the acuraccy of any dip strips, I am in the dark and never used any. Mabee someone can tell you if they are accurate.