

I dont know if these feelings are because of the coming day tomorrow.... but i find myself thinking of my ex girlfriend (only about a month of being seperated) more and more... its hard not to think about her... but i just want everything i had before.
Im starting to think that it could work out... but i start remembering all he problems we had.
i dont want to try and work it out... and then have it fail on us and i just have to leave again. But i do want to be with her.
Should i just keep letting go or tell her how i feel?


Ruh Roh...
Thats okay, Ive been split with Joey since May and I still think about him. After all, we were together for almost 2 years. Its hard. I still care about him a lot. But the thing is, it didnt work then, or the other 3 times we tried. I was in your exact shoes, as you are now, thinking about him and wanting to work things out, even though we had problems. If you two truly love each other, it should work. Love makes all things possible. I wish you luck Aaron!


thats what i was thinking... i mean if we truly love each other it should work out in the way that we want it.
Maybe i should just talk to her about all this stuff.
oh sorry jen... now you cant have me :happy:


Active Member
rut roh is right. What is she up to these days? Do you know? (just wondering)
Try to get to the bottom (by yourself) of why you guys broke it off. Then work from there. If the reasons could realistically
surface again in a few months........be careful. I am just saying be careful and true to yourself. You have said that you have come a long way in your own personal growth and I would hate to see you lose out now. :)


i know why we ended it in the first place...
i was too ignorant to know that people are different and everything cant be peachy all the time. But if life gives you lemons.. make lemonade... so im gonna be optimistic and reember that not everything is going to be smooth and we will argue...and to keep my cool and be my own person with another that loves me.
I care so much about her and i dont want to see something that was great go away. The good out weighs the bad and i should have seen that from the beginning.
jen... you know you want me.


Active Member

Originally posted by pwnag3!!
know that people are different and everything cant be peachy all the time. But if life gives you lemons.. make lemonade... so im gonna be optimistic and reember that not everything is going to be smooth and we will argue...and to keep my cool and be my own person with another that loves me.

DING DING.....you win!! Now pass go and collect your $200 and take a chance man!


was it my charming good looks... or my suave personality.. or how about my unbridled passion for all things METAL!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy:



Originally posted by pwnag3!!
was it my charming good looks... or my suave personality.. or how about my unbridled passion for all things METAL!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy:



yeah your right.. your name is pretty leet... maybe i should use similar words as my name... id be soo cool.
I be tyou get tons of ladies with your prune tang machismo.


are you talking top shelf ladies.... like the ones that look good after you drink nothing but top shelf liqour?



Originally posted by pwnag3!!
are you talking top shelf ladies.... like the ones that look good after you drink nothing but top shelf liqour?

No hun, no drinking involved.



Originally posted by pwnag3!!
oh i see....
well if you dont listen to metal... she wont stay with you long.

Youre so cute, lmfao