

Went to a bio-luminescent lagoon a few weeks ago in Puerto Rico that is filled with dino-flagellates that illuminate when disturbed. It was awesome to see the water light up around us as we swam at night. After I left, I wondered if these are a nuisance item as it would be interesting to have a tank that lights up on it's own. :thinking:


1 of the coolest things I ever saw out in florida, I guess certian times of the year out there the water become Luminesance, as the fish swim through the water it lights up, leaving these awsome trails!
I thought i was on acid at 1st, then i thought i was the only one to see this ( i was just a kid) the adults messed with my head and tried to tell me it was a creature that was coming to get me! Fortunatly i wasn't a stupid kid :)
But i still think it was the coolest thing I ever saw!


i've never seen that (i live in Nebraska lol), but it sounds like it would be a sight. zooanthelle, the autotroph living in corals and anemones is actually a dinoflagellate.


Back when I was in the Navy, you could see it behind the ship as it cruised along.
Sometimes in the Indian ocean you could see it from other ships that had passed by hours before.
Very neat.
