Dip LR removes critters?


We are seeing many new critters in our LR since we purchased it, and I saw on a post to dip it in SG1.030 to remove unwanted critters... problem is we have several brittle stars hiding in the LR (would not even come out for the LFS, so they threw them in for free... if I dip the LR to make sure there are no worms, etc, will the stars make it?


Only reason that I would dip the rocks would not be to get rid of worms, many are benificial, but I would do it to get rid of a mantis shrimp or gorilla crab. Soda or selzer(sp) works for that as well. Your baby stars would, I think, jump ship if you try to dip the rocks as well, might even harm them.


Thomas - lol! These are huge full size brittles, probably 6 or so inches in length! But thanks!
This was prompted because we saw a "leg" come out of a hole in LR - very small in diameter, appeared to be pinkish in color, with the spikes similar to a brittle star or bristle worm, but he only poked a few mm length of his leg out so we don't know what he is yet. Thought to be on the safe side we would dip all the rocks and get rid of anything bad. That and my hubby swears he sees worms in the sand.


You should want the bristle worms and starfish then are beneficial in your tank, and i thought you were susposed to dip the lr in a bucket with sp of 1.040 for a minute and all inverts will drop to the bottom of the bucket where you can pick and choose what you want to put in your tank.