dipping new live rock


i will be getting some new live rock friday (50#) and got to thinking that i might get a mantis in it so..i want to maybe dip all my rock b4 i put it in cuz i would like to set up a spiecies tank for 1, if i get 1.now heres my Q?what salinity was it that u could dip live rock for a minute or two and not kill whats on it just make it come out???was it 1.040, is what i think i remm .i dont want to kill anything cuz i want a LIVE mantisif they come out in the 1.040 how long do i have to get them into reg. SW

bang guy

I'm loath to destroy any life that I might find interesting at a later date.
So.... I dip all of my rock in club soda brought to a salinity of 35ppt at 80F. The PH is way off, so be sure to rescue any animals from the bottom of the bucket quickly.
I found that most of the crabs and shrimp bailed out immediately.