Direct seawater.

max loo

New Member
What is the disadvanatge of direct seawater for our saltwater tank?Will the water be suitable for our tank after a long period ( 1 month) of cycling?I am only keeping marine fishes.I am staying in tropical country.Thanks in advance.
Max. :thinking:


Active Member
the water might be contaminated, who knows whats in it, diseases might be in the water, etc. home made seawater is more adviseable


New Member
I know alot of people who use fresh seawater and have no problems whatsoever. That being said, make sure you take it from an area that doesn't have alot of people traffic, don't take it near freshwater tribs, or anything that dumps stuff near there. Just use caution. Same with Live Sand....take it wading out where water is constantly hitting the sand. maybe even at least to where the water is at least 30 ft least

max loo

New Member
Thanks for the respond.
My main concern will be nitrate build up before I even introduce the fish.I wonder if my trickle filter will reduce NO3- to N2O to N2.....? :thinking:


seaworld and the other one cant remember that are on coasts use seawater directly from the ocean BUT its filtered and treated before they use it.
If they wont use unfiltered and treated SW in there large displays I wouldnt use it my much smaller tank!!.