dirty sand


My sand bed over time has accumulated this layer of junk at the surface. I got a sand shifting star to try and clean it and it has not helped. How can i keep this clean?? any critters out there that can do the dirty work??


If you have a glass tank you can use a razor blade to clean the area below the sand right up against the glass. That does an excellent job of removing it.
If you have acrylic, you can use an acrylic-safe scraper. Just make sure you don't get any sand between the scaper and the acrylic or you will scratch it.


meaning if u scrape it away which i wouldn't it will come back
it is a good healthy sign,
if it bothers u much try putting a piece of molding down there to cover your sand line from the front of the tank


Of course it comes back, it is just algae. I like the front glass of my tank spotless, so I remove it when I do my weekly cleaning.


Active Member
Hey schippy, my DSB does the same thing. Comes back about every 3 weeks or so... I can't find a way to clean it "naturally", so I stir up the sand just a bit.
On a side note... is that a carpet anemone in your avatar? I love carpets. Is it yours? It looks like a beutiful animal, do you have any other pictures?