dirty tank


i have brown crud all over my tank. i know that it was because i was no useing RO water. about how long after you start useing RO water does it take for the brown stuff to go away? i have it on my sand, and on my rocks. is there anything that i can do to help this along? could it be that i do not have enough circulation? also, i only have two large snails, not sure what kind they are, i think they were called zebra turbos. i have smaller ones, but my blue leggs killed them all. i had tons of empty shells for them, but they did not get along. Would emerald crabs help to clean off the rock?


possibly mexican turbo snails? snails will help your rocks and your glass. I had some blu legs, they didn't really help anything, but I have a friend who has scarlet leg crabs, and they work really well, also you could get a fighting conch, maybe an algae eating fish too. Just some suggestions! :yes:


you don't have to ditch them all, just enough so they can't surround the snails flip them over and eat them. Very clever, the crabs are.