Disagreement with lfs over lighting and cyle times


I currently have a 40 breeder set-up with live rock(about 80lbs) and a few corals..I have 175 MH and a canister filter...cc for substrate..etc..Anyway this is not about this tank..I want to setup a 60 hex ( all the space i have left) I plan on going to the dsb and lr along with a refugium..Is a 400watt Mh pendant good enough for light penetration I want a couple of clams and some soft corals..My local store said I need more..The other dispute is over the cylce time..I want to take it slow and let the sand and the live rock cyle Is a couple of months too long before adding any coral,clams etc..I don;t want to rush into it..He was trying to tell me Not to go with the dsb and spend over 500 on a wet/dry skimmmer combo..Which I think is a waste of money..and also to go with cc for the substrate..I used to work retail 5 yrs ago and at that time that was the norm...but times have definitely changed, and in my opinion the more natural way is better. and Comments..???


Active Member
Given the depth of the 60 hex I would say you might need more light.That are postion yor clams a little higher in the tank.
And I think that your lfs was only trying to make money.A dsb is mother natures way of filtration.How much better can you get???


I think you are on the right track as far a filtration goes. The lighing for clams I will pass on.
The more stable the system is the better so time frame is your choice. I would think some hardy corals around the 1 month mark would be fine though. Funny thing is that that is still probably slower than most people do.


New Member
I would be looking for a new place to shop! Sounds like you know what you need. Trust what your hearing about the DSB and don't feel like you have to rush putting things in your tank. I would load it with rock, go with the 400 watt/10K and let it cycle till you see good coraline growth. Then you know the tank is ready for just about anything.


You do not have to wait a couple of months. The cycle time can range from a several days to about 6 weeks. If you seed the tank with live rock and live sand, it will not take very long. I try to wait about 6 weeks myself, but I also cycle with a silverside or something similar, and do not add live sand or seed it either. A few months will not hurt anything. Just keep tabs on the cycle, by doing water tests, and you will know when it has finished.
The lighting question would be better answered by Adrian pertaining to the clams. You may want to post what kind of clams you are planning on having. Some have higher lighting requirements than others. You will have no problems with most soft corals with that lighting. Mushrooms may not do to good near the top of the tank, the lighting may be to intense for them. Also you may want to post the Kelvin rating for the bulb you plan on using.


Active Member
one thing, i feel you need maturity in a system before adding certain things, but i do NOT feel ther is any thing such as TOO MUCH TIME, or TOO SLOW, waiting is best, and never ever hurts, and anyone that tells you definitely not too, IMO has lr in the head LOL
it'll never hurt one bit to be patient, don't let someone hurry you(esp. if you do not want to rush), you are right there,
as for clams and lighting, i'm not 100% so i'll pass, with the exception that i have HEARD that lighting is more for appearance(with most clams) than anything


400w halide will be plenty more than enough for clams/sps. As long as they are withing 30" I wouldn't worry to much myself ..depending of the species. But your will be less than that with a dsb. Waiting to cycle your tank is good. = cycle the tanks then add the sand + LS. That way thecritters will have a better chance for survival. I've set up a few tanks but my last one I cycled my DSB for 2mo= really mature mass pods 3 types of breeding snails. I wanted to go 6mo but was impatient. Let the sandbed get nice with life = the fish ect.. won't dent the pod population unless you have to many fish that feed on pods. But imo sounds good.