disapearing fish


I have a problem
i have a 29 with only about 10#of rock at the moment '
inhabitants well were
1 clown
2 firefish
1 cleaner shrimp
3 hermits
and snails
my problem is is that in the last three days one of the crabs and one of the fire fish have gone missing i have moved the rock around and looked around the area of the tank no trace of either of them any suggestions


Active Member
When my firefish wants to be hidden, he stay hidden. They find all sorts of ways to hide, even in spots you thought were impossible. Mine has tunnels dug under the rocks that he hides in when he needs.
I'd give it a couple days. Check the tank perimeter - firefish are known to jump.
I'd just wait. There isn't anything you can do really, your crabs will take care of the dead fish if needed...
What are your water levels (NH3, NO2, NO3, pH, specific gravity)?
What type of filtration do you have on the tank? Maybe the fish got stuck in it or in some plumbing.
Keep us updated.


Pyro is right. If a firefish wants to hide it is possible you won't find him. O have a giant conch shell mine lives in. I can pick up the shell when looking for him and shake it a bit and he will stay in it no matter what. He will however come out five minutes after moving the shell. I can go almost a week sometimes without seeing my firfish.
I wouldn't worry.


thanks for the advice i'll check my levels later but right now i only have hob filters already checked them no sign the fish isn't under the rock i tore the tank apart looking for it it could be in a shell i'll check that out but that doesn't explain the crab missing.


i'm having the same problem with my firefish. got him 2 weeks ago and haven't seen him for the past 5 days. of course, I have about 200lbs of live rock, so I can't go moving it all around. I'm praying mine comes out of hiding too-good luck