disapearing fish

nj crabcakes

New Member
hi i have a 46 bow tank about 50 lbs of live rock had 11 fish ,now im down to 3 some just disapear and a few found dead i have a yellow tang a bengai and a 6 line wrasse also 1 blood shrimp witch moulted twice the fish left look healthy except for the bangai who looks like a side fin is missing is it possible i have a killer tang he is the oldest fish and the wrasse is the newest i cant blame wrasse because other fish were missing before i got him want to make purchases but im affraid to


I can't give advice but have you noticed the Tang bullying? Mine did, and he wasn't shy about it at all.... G/L!


Yellow tangs can be really aggressive, especially as they age.
Yours is in a tank way, way too small for it and that's why it's killing your fish. It's like keeping a bull in a closet.
11 fish in a 46 is also too many, so it's likely that conditions are less than ideal which also isn't helping with the loss of fish.
I would find a home for your tang.

nj crabcakes

New Member
Thanks guys my 11 fish were all much smaller but I'm still gonna see if I can swap out the tang just a that he looks so good probably cause he on a seefood diet

nj crabcakes

New Member
Thanks guys my 11 fish were all much smaller but I'm still gonna see if I can swap out the tang just a that he looks so good probably cause he on a seefood diet


Pipefish have very specific feeding requirements. I really don't think that was a wise purchase. How old is your tank?


Docile fish is one part of it, but you also need to put fish together that are meant to be together. Pipes usually don't do well long term with other fish. They get out competed for food as they're too docile and have very specific feeding requirements. They also require less flow, etc.
What type of pipe is it?


Active Member
Pipe fish and sea horses should be kept together. That is the only combo I'm aware of. Unfortunately we all want the coolest fish and most of the time they are not compatible. It's your money spend it a you want. Suggestions are only for those who ask we can't tell you what to do just research compatibility first.


Originally Posted by tthemadd1 http:///t/394313/disapearing-fish#post_3509983
Pipe fish and sea horses should be kept together. That is the only combo I'm aware of. Unfortunately we all want the coolest fish and most of the time they are not compatible. It's your money spend it a you want. Suggestions are only for those who ask we can't tell you what to do just research compatibility first.
This is actually false. Pipes and seahorses have a lot of the same requirements and that's why people thing they belong together, but pipes often carry viruses/bacteria that can harm horses. Learned this one the hard way myself. It's not impossible to keep a pipe in a reef. I have a bluestripe pipe pair in my 180 reef. But I have a ton of live rock, a well stocked refugium that feeds the main tank and peaceful fish. However, it isn't recommended for them to be in a reef and most don't survive long term.
It sounds like the OP has a Yellow Multibanded Pipefish (Doryrhamphus pessuliferus). These pipes get to be about 6" and really need a 50G tank with established live rock and a well stocked tank with lots of copepods.

nj crabcakes

New Member
Yea pipefish died stuck to power head store said he is going to tall to dealer to get me another one for free but I think BTDL is right need a calm setting just thought it would be neat fish to have

nj crabcakes

New Member
came home tonite from dinner and found my clown fish dead only have 2 fish left in a 46 gal tank with 50 lbs of rock 1 blood shrimp have two new fish coming tomorrow through the mail im concerned cause im tired of seeing fish die any ideas the two fish are a bengai and a 6 line wrasse which i never seen the wrasse go after anyone the bangai was beat up which i thouyght was the yellow tang so we removed him HELP