disapearing fish


Nitrates and phosphates are only one small part of water conditions:
Are you using RO?
What temp is your water?
What temp is the new water you're adding?
What's you salinity?
How are you testing your salinity?
Ammonia reading?
Nitrite reading?
What test kits are you using?
How old are they and what's the expiration date of them?
Can you post a pic of your setup?

nj crabcakes

New Member
Yes I can I will tonite using ro water warming it up before I do water changes doing 5gal every 2weeks corals doing fine have 3 new test kits nitrate,phosphate , and ph just purchased a refractometer should have it today don't have ammonia or nitrite test kits yet just seems strange that inverts doing well and fish arent

nj crabcakes

New Member
Setup was started thanksgiving weekend with live sand , refugium, and waterfall type filter with chemipure bag and eshopps protein skimmer


You're adding fish too quickly/too close together/too many.
What brand test kit do you have?
Have you noticed ich or anything like that?

nj crabcakes

New Member
Nothing everything looked fine is it possible there is a rogue crab or something in the rocks they said if it was a mantis shrimp I would here a popping sound from time to time this isn't my first tank I had a 125 last time just got real xpensive with utilities trying to do a smaller tank with a budget


The crab would take out inverts first. At least that's been my experience with them.
It sounds like your tank has a parasite/bacteria.
I'd leave it fishless for 8 weeks or you're probably going to continue to keep having issues.


Stop doing water changes every 2 weeks let the bio load set up also whats the salinity in the tank? are you dosing the tank? whats the filtration sump, canister, skimmer? is there algae growth in the tank theres lots of parameters that need to be addressed 11 fish can be held in the tank that size if the filtration is good and they are of small caliber also how are you mixing salt with tap water or R/O D/I or even store bought water give us a total of how many fish you started with and the losses per day or week over how many weeks and we can go from there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MJTech12 http:///t/394313/disapearing-fish/20#post_3511068
Stop doing water changes every 2 weeks let the bio load set up also whats the salinity in the tank? are you dosing the tank? whats the filtration sump, canister, skimmer? is there algae growth in the tank theres lots of parameters that need to be addressed 11 fish can be held in the tank that size if the filtration is good and they are of small caliber also how are you mixing salt with tap water or R/O D/I or even store bought water give us a total of how many fish you started with and the losses per day or week over how many weeks and we can go from there.
11 fish is to many.....Regardless of size....