Disapearing threads and replies??


How can threads and replies disappear?
I just posted two replies to a thread showing a picture of my freshwater parot fish and they are gone?
There are also some threads that were on here before that are gone ... How does that happen? Is it because of rule breaking and if so are you notified when they are removed for the reason?
neither of the threads were started my me I was just curious

bang guy

We don't randomly delete threads or posts. Only when they violate the rules of the board.
We sometimes delete 100's of posts a day so there's just no time to notify anyone.


it was not hijacked - it was a statement that I also had a FW tank - and I inadvertently asked if you another member because I thought I read it in another post that you were - then I apologized when you corrected me -


would the mods let us know if we were to break the rules (i could see me doing that and not knowing it! I did once send a link to a competetors sight, but thought that this board was independant of swf. a member corrected me, so I retrieved the file and erased it. would that have gotten me kicked off? I really count on every one here so i woudbe devistated! btw so would my critters!:)
you guys are the best!

bang guy

If you continually posted links to competitor sites after being warned there's a chance of getting banned. One post isn't going to do it unless it's criminally obscene.
We're happy to have you shawna and NW2SLTFSH! :)