Originally Posted by
BTLDreef http:///t/395630/disappearing-cheto#post_3522779
I run a carbon and phosban reactor
Carbon wouldn't matter, and long as the macro has some PO4 it can survive, it just wouldn't grow as fast. I Think it was either Spanko or Bang Guy said they need PO4 for their DNA....unless I misunderstood, but I'm pretty sure that's what was said.
Macros help our systems by absorbing the PO4, NO3 and ammonia from the water to make it pristine, we remove the overgrowth (called harvesting) As we remove that overgrowth we remove the PO4, nitrates, and ammonia that it absorbed in order to grow...but if you leave it in too long without harvesting, it dies off, and all that stuff goes back into your water. It stands to reason that if macroalgae doesn't get enough nutrient to feed on, it dies off.
Some of that good nutrient is from the light as well, so bulbs that are no good would also cause a die off...but I have kept Caulerpa Prolifera alive with nothing but a regular desk lamp. Just like corals...some need more light, some need less. Water temp also plays a roll. Golf Coast Ecosystems offer a great variety of different macros, and they let you know what conditions it likes to grow in....reds, greens, and the golden browns. Some macros are really pretty, even as pretty as coral if aquascaped right.