disappearing fish


New Member
I am new to saltwater tanks and have a couple of ???. I currently have a 75 gal tank with 40 pounds live rock. Two weeks ago, I added 2 clown fish and one diamond back Goby. The Goby disappeared within 2 days and I have yet to see it. Yesterday, I purchased a royal gamma and some hermit crabs. Within an hour, it too had disappeared and has not been seen since. I am a little frustrated bc I would like to see something other than my clowns (who appear to be thriving) moving around. Any suggestions?


Active Member
its probably just hiding in the rocks..my firefish would hide a lot but would come out some... could it have died in your tank? what are you water paremeters?


i had a damsel hide after a few days i became worried and went in after him. needless to say he's still MIA


My Yellow Watchman Goby is rarely seen. He mostly hides under a rock. As far as a Royal Gramma from yesterda...Grammas are pretty shy. And since you only got it yesterday it may still be hiding.


Is your rock on the bottom of the glass? Or on the sand? If on the sand it will dig under rock and it can fall on it and it will kill him/her. I found this out the hard way