Disappearing Green Chromis?


When I first was thinking of starting my first salt water tank. I went down to my lfs to see what kind of fish I could get or want.
I saw some green chromis and thought they were cool. But I havn't got one because I have been reading these message boards and there is alot of people saying that they buy green chromis and then they disappear into thin air?
What happens to green chromis and why is there so many people saying when they get them they disappear after a while?
I ahve never heard of a fish do that. :eek:


Active Member
You got me. I haven't heard that one before. I would assume there is a logical explaination for it though. I haven't heard that they are jumpers, so I would guess that they become clean-up crew chow. How they meet their demise depends on what's in the tank with them. They are one of the more hardy fish.
Take care,
Dan'l :D
I had this problem but solved it.
When I first started I had three green cromis' and I had not yet purchased a pre filter sponge and one of my cromis' ended up on the drip plate in the wet dry.
The second cromis was sucked up into the powerhead before I got a screen put on.
And the third one I still have today.


I lost one during vacation as well. It just vanished, and I have covers on everything. Then next thing you know 1 (from a pair) of skunk clowns dissapeared. Then the other night I was looking for the second and saw him swimming and breathing fast with part of his tail missing. I am not sure who go to him considering I have 1 percula (which should be fine with the skunks from what I know of clownfish) 1 yellow tang, 1 blue tang, 1 bangai and 5 other chromis. Needless to say he didnt last long and the next morning saw the fish being dragged by my brittle star under the rock and later the scarlets going to town on it.


ive lost 3 chromies....its still unknown where they went....
i think they fell victum of my monster seabae...


I had 3 green chromis, now I only have three. Neither of the other two are talking, I think they must also have something to do with that Conditt case, either way they aint talking. Every time I add a third one to the group (I hear they like to be in 3's) the new one dissappears. Creepy is what it is.


I've never had a chomis, but i sometimes hear stories of them disspearing for a long time, and then reappering on some later date from under a LR or similar thing.
They might be hiding under one of your rocks. Check there. :eek: