Disappearing hermits


3 months ago I put a bunch of blue legged and Red legged hermits in my tank, now I seem to only be able to find 1 or 2 of the red dudes, but the blue guys seem to be everywhere. There are plenty of spare shells for everyone, is something getting the red guys? Everything I have in the tank is listed below. Thanks.


Active Member
Have you found any empty shells or did they just disappear altogether? Sometimes my hermits will fall behind my LR or they might get wedged in between a rock where I can't find them then I find empty shells behind the rocks.


I guess a few could have died, yes there are quite a few empty shells, but I put a lot of them in there for the old shell switching game. Anyone know what kind of life span they have? Don't think there is anything picking them off as listed in my signature, or is there? The blues seem to be thriving though.


Active Member
IMO- they all killed each other and you are left with the survivers and the bill.
Their was a artice in aquarium mag that said hermits are found in sand beds not reefs. It recomended 1 or 2 hermits for every 100 gallons.
I have 1 in my 100 gallon. I can't tell you how many I put in there at different times. They all kill each other. I learned my lesson the hard way.
I have a bunch of different snails, a cuc, 2 cleaner shrimp, a serpant star, a urchin and 1 hermit for my cleanup crew. I also have a spotted brittlse tooth tang who is allways pecking at the sand, he keeps it clean for me.:cool:
Sorry for the loss. IMO, I would try other things for clean up and not add more hermits.


It is strange though how most of the Blue legged guys are much smaller but seem to be surviving. There is plenty of food and shells for everyone in the tank. Hey Dburr, where are you in CT, what LFS do you use?


I too also have had this happen just within the past year. I feel it is 'normal' for the Scarlet Reef Hermits to do this & I agree that only a few should be in there. Besides, I think the Blue are just as pretty & do a damn good job. Mine are growing like you wouldn't believe me. I also thought it was was odd that they were smaller but out lived the Reds. I just got an Arrow Crab & it is amazing. Very interesting looking, like a spider & it can hold it's own. I say try one of these guys. Good luck & I wouldn't loose sleep over it....it happens.


Active Member
I mostly use the one in Haddam, it's called Paragon Aquatics.
I've been to Ammity, I use them for mostly dry goods.
I use others but the prices are high and I don't usually buy anything.
What neck of the woods are you from? And what LFS's?


Active Member
Anyone heard of Tuxedo Hermit Crabs? Big black with white tipped forclaws, red and blue eye stalks and dark redish brownish legs with white bands on them? Very cool. Much more so than the blue legs. Maybe they go by a different name? BTW i have 2.


Never heard of the tuxedo dudes.
I live near Waterbury, I go there once in a while, but just started in the hobby and bought all my LR and LS from a guy breaking his 180 tank down. There is a great place in Milford on Route 1, not sure if it's still open, I think the owner is in "trouble". Awesome tanks packed with tons of corals, he also has a bunch of fish too.


I added 5 reds scarletts and 5 blue-legged at the same time. The red only fought with the red (but so far only one died) and never touched the blue ones. Could be just my imagination, but after I dumped a bunch of empty shells, everybody seems happy now.


The place in Milford is "Coral Reef", I think, it's on Route 1 close to the town line. There is also another place in Stratford I think. I use Waterbury Aquarium on Lakewood Rd. Helpful staff.