Disappearing Hog


I bought a Spanish Hog about 2 weeks ago and I haven’t seen it for 2 days now. I know it likes to hide in a big shell I have but I checked and he is not in there. I'm assuming the worst and that he died but I just can’t fine him. I've checked all around my tank to see if he jumped out as I've had one do that before. If he is dead I'm thinking the lobster or crab would have got to him. Any ideas?


spanish hogfish are much like wrasses. im not sure but they might hide in the sand. someone else might know more so i dont think you should start digging till you know for sure if they hide like that.


Well hogs are a type of wrasse and I have heard that when frightened they will burrow in the sand. I've looked everywhere though and nothing. Its been like three days now. Thanks for the response. Anyone else have any suggestions.


I finally gave up and went out to buy a new hog. It didnt even make it through the night though. I dont know what it is, my water levels all seem to be ok. I drip acclimated him for 2 hours. As soon as i put him in the bucket to acclimate he looked pale and really scared. Once i put him in the tank he went straight into a whole in a rock. The next morning I saw him sucked under a power head. I dont know what else to do. This has been my third hog and all have vanished in mysterious ways. All my other fish and inverts are happy as can be.