disappearing ick?


New Member
okay I am crazy. I saw these little white spots all over one of my clown this morning at about 6:30 am ( I had my son look and he saw them too) When I got home at 9:30 am and checked the fish they were gone. Where did they go. I read some articles on ick and from what I understand the white spots should be there for a while before they fall off. My fish didn't have any spots yesterday. I watch them all very closely to make sure they are all eating and that they are acting normal. I drive my family with how much I watch my fish. My clowns like to swish the sand with their tails could've this been sand? My husband thought that was what it was but I didn't think the sand would stick to them. I guess I should watch them for a few days.


Staff member
Ich are smart little devils...they hide when the lights come on....but they are still there, make no mistake.


i have the same thing goin on with my coral beauty and 2 clowns. I really hope its not ich.
Really interested to see other opinions but i guess if beth says its ich then it must be ich


New Member
I bought some garlicXtreme from the lfs. Does this help? I am a little confused about the instructions. It says to soak the food at the ratio of 2 drops to one teaspoon. That is way to much food for one sitting. I only have 5 small fish. Can I treat one teaspoon and save it? How exactly do you soak all the food? 2 drops is not that much fluid. Do you add water? Would it be better to just add 10drops to the tank? Is this less effective? My clown is acting fine. She is active and eating so far.


Staff member
Forget the garlic extreme and go back to the grocery store and get some REAL garlic. Crush it, preserving the juices for your meaty fish food. Let soak up for 30 mins in the refrigerator, then feed to fish, preferable target feeding using a turkey baster.
I'm not promising that garlic will be effective, but if you want to try it, that is the best thing to do.


New Member
My fish don't seem to like the garlic. I haven't seen any more spots for 2 days now. I am waiting and watching.


Staff member
Are you feeding the garlic, or just soaking the food in some garlic....don't overdose food on garlic.