disaster struck


well folks this was a few months back but i just remebered and thought i'd share it with you I had setup my newest tank just a 45 long nothing spectacular everything was great for about 3 months then one night as i was lying in bed i heard this sound kinda like a chair breaking or something like that well i didn't immidiatley come down stairs to checkit out thought it was my roommate till i hear him say "Dude we got a problem" I jumped up knowing immediatley what it was and came downstairs to find my tank was cracking all the wayup the back
well after 50% of my water had poured out onto my floor and wall i got all the fish into a 39 gallon tank and everything has been great since :joy: just thought i'd share that story
to let you know what had happend the center support on the top of the tank broke so my tank bowed out and just cracked under the pressure
anyone else have any thing like that happen
i'd like to hear about it


3 am, i woke up to the sound of a waterfall in my room and noticed the tank was 2/3 empty. my stupid clown decided that she didnt like the rock work so she rearranged it herself and it cracked the glass as it fell. needless to say she was in lots of trouble for awhile