Disaster Tank update


New Member
Okay, since the carnage of a few days ago, my arrow crab and one damsel is still alive. Since the cycle is still going on and the ammonia is still pretty high, can I do a water change to bring down the ammonia (it is 5) or will it mess up the cycle? I am trying to baby these two tough nuts, so I want life to be as kind as possible now.
I have no LR or LS. I am planning on adding CURED LR for now (as recommended by everyone), although I'm not sure how much to add at a time since I have livestock in there. Should I wait until the cycle is over.
One more question, how much LR should I ultimately get for a 55 gallon tank that will only have the LR, fish, and a few creepy crawlies in it?


Active Member
I would not do a water change until the cycle is over. It will only prolong it.
As to babying your fish and crab, if your tank is cycling, they are going through the school of hard knocks right now. The best thing you can do is to get that crab out of there and maybe take it back to the LFS. Damsels are tough, and may end up OK, but maybe not.
As to how much LR to get in a FOWLR tank, it depends on what other filtration you have. I personally wouldn't get anything less than around 60 lbs. If you have enough mechanical filtration, and the rock is only for aesthetics, then it is really up to you.


New Member
We have gone to Aquarium Dynamics over on 51st & Sheridan and been pretty happy. This was only after we went to Luv a Pet and were terribly misguided. We ran into some kind souls who directed us to Aquarium Dynamics.
Do the aquarium shops really take back fish? Seems like a risky proposal on their part.
I feel terrible for using live fish to cycle the tank but that is what we were told. I found out too late that you didn't need to use live animals.:confused: :confused:


Well-Known Member
If you have and ammonia "off the charts" for four days, you are extremely lucky to have anything that breathes still alive. I would allow it and nitrItes to come back down to 0.0 before I would do anything. Hopefully you have not been feeding as that would prolong this cycle. You should see a drop in the next day or two. After everything settles down, then start planning new additions.
As always i recommend macro algeas/marine plants.
cycling with live fish makes for a better tank.


As Buzz stated doing a water change will prolong your cycle.
As your tank is cycling you are building up the beneficial bacterias that break down ammonia to nitrite then the nitrites to nitrate. If you performed a water change you would be removing a good percentage of those bacteria that are starting to develop, and would cause those bacteria that were removed to reestablish themselves.
A good rule of thumb for LR when used as a filtration aid is 1.5 lbs per gallon, I have a 55 with a DSB and 70lbs LR. If you are trying to save some cash you could buy approximately half that amount in actual LR, then get base rock for the remaining amount, and the LR will seed the base rock over the course of a few months. Patience is of the utmost importance in this hobby, and taking things slow is almost always the best course of action.
As far as cycling with live fish compared to dead matter, I believe that it is much more humane to cycle with dead matter(shrimp) then with live fish (although I cycled with damsels because of lack of knowledge when I first started, it is not a choice I would make again) As far as it making your tank "better" I think that is very debatable, the bacteria that need to form will form via any waste product as that is a normal part of the cycle, be it a dead shrimp, or fish waste causing the ammonia. Not to mention the fact that a fish that lives through a cycle will be much more tempermental then one that does not, when you are talking about an semi agressive fish such as a damsel, making it more agressive is not usually the best choice IMO.
Hope to help and welcome to the boards.


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
cycling with live fish makes for a better tank.

There is no proof. Cycling is a chemical process and whether you do it with live animals or decaying matter it still goes through the same chemical process.
Try and get the crab out and even if hte store won't take him back on credit - ask if they will hodl him for you until you are done cycling. Most LFS' will do that.
Welcome to SWF.com and enjoy.
Lastly - be sure to weigh all input and opinions you recieve!!


cycling with live fish makes for a better tank.

WHAT?!?!?!? Thats is crazy, it doesnt matter how the ammonia spike starts, just that it does.


Aquaruim Dynamics will take back your live critters and they will give you a store credit.:D
We only come to Tulsa every 3 months and that is where we go.


The people at aquarium dynamics are very helpful . They will probably take the crab and the fish if you just explain what happened. Lesa and I have always had good luck there and have been satisfied with everything we have gotten from there.:)