discoloration spot


Hi guys!
Today when my light opened i saw a white discolored spot on my valentini puffer,yesterday he was fine .The spot is half inch, the puffer dont seem lethargic but he keeps going to one shrimp to another to get clean but with litle succes!! No new addition in the tank,tankmates are maroon clown,mandarin,LMB, in a 50 g tank (reef).The only thing i can tell is that last week he inflated himself but dont know why?I bought the puffer 5 month ago and i qt him and i never had any problem!


it's like he had a drop of bleach on him ,it's not bumpy or anything ,he still eat but he is more occupied running from 1 shrimp to another!!


It sounds stress related to me. Puffers often fade in color when something is stressing them. Why did he puff up the other day?


I was just in front of the tank when it happen and i dont know, the maroon clown have become litle agressive and he keeps taking pieces of cc with is mouth and drop it everywhere ,so i tought he was afraid of that!!
Could this be a result of him touching a coral (elegance)?


And just the other day i was braging to my boyfriend how everything work so good and it's was not that hard (the hobby) blabla... nature has it's ways lol!!!


Now this morning it's worst and the spot as double in size!!!And now you can see that it's eroded skin!!please help me!!


Staff member
What are your water readings in your tank? Do you have a quarantine tank?


Originally Posted by gohabsgo
Now this morning it's worst and the spot as double in size!!!And now you can see that it's eroded skin!!please help me!!
Can you get a pic of this? Do you have a qt tank?


Yesterday night my puffer died ,we all miss him very much
.For now all the other fish seem great!!But i still wonder what it was?Verry hard to describe,but it was like wen your skin peel after a sunburn and it getting biger every hour!!The last week he look like he was afraid of the clown beside that he ate a open brain coral.
Reading are normal !!So no real clue,i hope i can find what he died of!!!