discolored koran face?

is it normal for a koran angel to be brownish tan in the face? fish is acting perfectly normal was just wondering why its face was plain.


Is it a juvenile or an adult? If it's an adult, di dyou buy it as a juvenile? the reason I ask is that there are four or five juvenile angels that look nearly exactly alike, and are commonly just lumped under the "Koran" name in LFS's.
it is kind of rare for Korans to go from a Juvinile to an adult in captivity, but when they do, they turn into an ugly brownish gray color. sorry.


Can anyone esle support waterboys claim, I've seen 4 or 5 That have went from Juvenile to adult in modest sized aquariums!


I've seen a few. One in an LFS lol I was rather surprised at that one. I wouldn't say that they're ugly when they mature...fully. They look like crap *as* they're maturing though lol That part I will back.

aquarius 1

I have a 3-4 inch Koran that has the same brownish appearance on the face. It brown between the eyes and the snout and I don't know what to do with it. My uncle has a Koran that is about 6 inches and his suffers from severe head and lateral line disease where the skin begins to erode away from the fish's head. You need to use vitamins like zoe or selcon and feed your koran a variety of frozen foods, flakes, spirulina, and seaweed selects. I just hope this coloring goes away on my angel by using the vitamins and other things. Good LUck
mines discoloration is spreading from the head back so it is from what i am reading changing into is adult form/color. anyone got a picture of this so i can see what it will look like?


Sounds like it's changing. Do you mean a picture of what they look like after they mature, or a picture of them *as* they're maturing?
i found a good explaination on saltwaterfish.com about the color changes a koran goes through should be interesting to see my koran go thorough the transition which seems like it takes a while.