Diseased Fish (Pictures)

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A picture is worth 1000 words so here we have a collection of pictures of fish with diseases.

Pictures here are largely posted and contributed by members of this forum. Contributions from fellow hobbyists will go towards helping other aquarists who can not post pictures or identify the ailment of their sick fish. If anyone prefers not to have their fish's picture posted here, please just let me know through this site's private messaging system.

Thank you for your contribution to this hobby!

Quick Clicks below:
Bacterial Infections
Black Ich
Goiter: Sharks and Stingrays
Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE)
Ich-Cryptocaryon irritans
Pop-Eye Infection
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Hyper--Melaninization: Clownfish with dark pigmentation resulting from a reaction to stings from a coral or anemone. This usually poses no notable problem to the clownfish other than cosmetic.

The melanin [pigment] darkens as it reacts to the nematocysts (sting cells) of the anemone or coral. Seen in clownfish because they typical seek a host by these animals.
hyper.jpg Hypermel.jpg hyperm1.jpg hyperm2.jpg hypermelan.jpg hypermelanization 4.jpg hypermelanization 5.jpg Hypermel.jpg HyperMelaninization.jpg HyperMelaninization2.jpg


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White ich (Cryptocaryon irritans) is a parasite infection commonly and safely treated using hyposalinity or copper. Cupramine is the most stable copper product. It requires a compatible copper test kit. Hyposalinity is equally as effective and does not expose fish to toxic parasitic medications.
Ich Powder Blue Tang.jpg Ich Triggerfish.png Ich2.jpg Ichclowns.jpg IchTang.jpg

This hippo tang is compromised with cryptocaryon irritans, popeye, and severe Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE)
Ich Popeye Blue hippo.jpg
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Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE)
Classic signs on these tangs with the erosion occurring along the face/eye and the lateral line of the fish.
HLLE.jpg HLLE 1.jpg HLLE Purple Tang.jpg

This yellow tang is suffering from:
-HLLE [the eroded skin]
-A bacterial infection [the red and bloody blood vessels]
-Malnutrition/emaciation [the sunken abdomen and rips]
HLLE bacterial malnutrition.jpg HLLE bacterial malnutrition2.jpg

Another yellow tang, severe HLLE and malnutrition/emaciation:
HLLE advanced.JPG

HLLE around the eyes, gills face area. Otherwise yellow tang appears to have good body condition
HLLE Yellow Tang.jpg HLLE Yellow Tang2.jpg

Lionfish with HLLE. Harder to detect because of the fish's natural markings
HLLE lionfish.jpg

Hippo tang pretty bad in the face.
HLLE hippo.jpg
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The lawnmower blenny has a specialized algae diet. Hobbyists frequently get lawnmowers to address Filamentous Algae [nuisance problem] in their aquaria. After a few weeks when the lawnmower blenny has eaten all of the problem algae, there will be no more food and he will slowly starve, as in this specimen.
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Bacterial Infections: Yellow tangs with obvious bacterial infections. Note, red, and inflamed areas beginning along the body above the anal fin, encompassing the rear end of the body and spreading to the dorsal area. Typical vulnerable spots along the lateral line in tangs. Even the area above the eye and around the gills are showing symptoms. Sometimes this type of infection will appear as red streaks or splotches that look like hemorrhage beneath the skin of the fish.
Bacterial Infection 2.jpg Bacterial Infection 3.jpg Bacterial Infection 4.jpg Bacterial Infection YT.jpg Bacterial infection YT2.png Bacterial Infection4.JPG

Butterfly, also with a bacterial infection.
Bacterial Infection Butterfly.jpg Bacterial infection closeup.jpg
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Pop-Eye or bulged eye can be caused by several stresses: injury to the eye and bacterial infections are the primary culprits. Oftentimes, netting a fish can cause popeye from direct injury with the net, or because of bacteria on the net itself. When at all possible, avoid using nets, and always keep fish in water. If you are going to use a net, however, sterilize it before use and place some slime coat on it just before you capture the fish.
popeye.jpg Popeye Purple Tang.JPG Popeye2.jpg Popeye3.jpg PopeyeAngel.jpg
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Aggression on clownfish from dominate clownfish.
Agression Before.jpg Agression2 Before.jpg Agression3 before.jpg Agression4 before.jpg

Several weeks following removal of fish from contact with the aggressor.
Agression After 2.jpg Agression After.jpg

And finally, back to normal! Well, almost....still a faint shadow of previous scaring.
Agression After3.jpg
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