Disgusting looking transparent clam-like... anemone?


I just discovered this guy. It's only really noticable with a flashlight at night. It behaves like a clam, opening and shutting it's "mouth" and there's a red/brown rock in the middle of it like a perl in a clam. When I shine a light on it, it looks pink and translucent. If I tap on the glass it darts back inside it's hole. What is it!?


Active Member
Ya, in that pic it looks super odd... but you are right. It's a bivalve mollusk. Scallop maybe? Reminds me of a flame. But there is a kazillion different types of bivalves... it would be difficult to pin it down with the info we have.
But whatever it is, it's a cool filter feeding hitchhiker to add to your biodiversity.


its a marine species of Sarlac, reef safe, but terrestrial relatives are known to consume
the occasional Mandolorian bounty hunter clone.