Dish Network.


If anyone is going to switch to satellite let me know I have a gift card I will give you that will give you free activation plus a 49.99 credit on your first bill and a dish player video recorder (DVR) at no extra cost. just e-mail me at and I will give you the promotion code. Just make sure your 100% your going to switch because I want to give it to someone thats going to use it.:D


Active Member
we just switched and LOVE it!!! :yes: I especially love the DVR. What a great invention that thing is. phone rings.....PAUSE. Kids get in bed.....PAUSE. Can't finsih watching something RECORD!! :joy: I don't get to watch that much TV, but it seems when I do there are interuptions.
Then you can fast forward too. AND go backwards ...:cheer:
And in our area, Dish is a litter cheaper than cable. Cable here has been going skyhigh. We had 5 increases in 2 years. :nope:


I 100% agree I love it also. Cable is so dam high in price. I'm a big racing nut so with the dish I get SPEEDTV at no more cost. The DVR is only 4$ in all rooms. Cable wants 15$ for every room.:D


Active Member
i have directv and love it cost me $73 to have hbo, starz, and showtime and have three rooms connected
the cable company wanted $120 for the exact samething


Today Comcast Cable company announced there going up on all the prices. Dish Network kicks you know what!!!!!


We've had DirectTV for 8 years and love it. Tivo for one and really love it. During the storms and we were on a generator we still got to watch TV. Those with power still couldn't watch TV because of the cable lines were down. We didn't even have cell service, but still could watch TV.