Dissapearing clown?


This morning I had 2 small clowns... I woke up this morning to find the smaller one in the sabea anenome for the first time.. we add the sabea anenomie 2 days ago so i was happy to see him in there... He seemed to be sleeping in it because he wasnt moving around... for fear he might of been dead i poked at him and he swam out of it very grogy like he just woke up lol.. well the wife called me at work and said when she woke up he was in it and i said ya he was when i first woke up to.. and she explained how she thought he was dead to but then said he was swimming around the tank fine...
well i just got home from work and i only see 1 clown.... i looked everywhere... could the sabea of eatin him?


well i found him dead behind a rock

thats 2 clowns down in less then a months time.. the other fish we got from the same place are fine... why do these clowns die?? :notsure:


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your loss!
How long had you had the clownfish? Perhaps he was sick when you bought him but it wasn't detected. Do you have a QT tank for your new fish?


Other fish are a coral beauty, lawn mower blenny, and a very small hippo.... yes i know a 55 is to small for him, we will trade her in when she gets bigger... other then that there are 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, some snails and some hermits...
Last Friday we bought 2 clowns.... 1 was dead by monday... but his top dorsal fin never raised so we thought it was just him so we went back ang got another tuesday.... then saturday the other clown that we got first seemed to be breathing quickly and was dead by the afternoon..
no other fish are breathing heavy or anything at all
i believe both clowns were false percs very small about and inch and a half long is all